Women of Concern Professionals Strategic Consciousness Networking Vol 1 Issue 5 | Page 24
Jennifer Blue is my little sister from another mother, I guard like any of my siblings, if anyone were to mess with her, I am ready to go to war. I adopted Jen as I lovingly call her nearly 3 years ago now. Like Tim Holmes we bonded due to our shared experience of domestic violence. Also like Tim, Jen is a member of Relationship Matters: Stop Domestic Abuse and Relationship Violence a group I facilitate on Linked In, which has over 600 members of various backgrounds and experience. Jennifer is uniquely gifted and a force to be reckoned with in her own right. Folks may mistakenly presume her to be well unsuspecting or vulnerable but their mishap one they would be wise not to repeat. With God’s covering, sheer faith and determination, Jennifer Blue stands. I have consistently seen God take what others mean for evil and turn around for her good. When many would throw in the towel with despair this chick won’t quit. Today, we laugh at her hard head-ness but we identified early in our relationship some things simply had to play out. What binds me to Jennifer and JBE is the fact she reminds me of me. Trusting, giving, loving even though wounded we both still love and are willing to see the best in others. She has to much class and dignity to allow anyone to bring her to level of hate. Dislike maybe.
Jennifer penned a play “A Different Shade of Blue” built a business and advocacy movement around the 15 years abusive marriage she outlived. The play is loosely based on her experiences through the marriage. This mother and grandmother fought hard to not only survive but to thrive as well as show other it possible to go from black eyes to blue skies as she coined in the play. I just like a big sister, careful watched and waited for her blossom and as you see here she is coming along just fine. Like Jhon Pierre Cornell said in our interview (see page 24) finding the right connections is not easy but prayer—it works. Without formalized training in Theatre, Business and Productions Jennifer forged full steam ahead walking by faith not sight. Sometimes it was scary to watch but God said she would be alright and I believed Him. Because we are sister of the spirit, we trust each other to pray, believe and be truthful even if it is painful at times. This love is not born of the flesh, it is pure Spirit—it is agape. We have shared and confided some personally rough spots amongst ourselves only to encourage, edify and lift one another. I have the pleasure and privilege of having Jen consider me a mentor and advisor, a position I value and do not take lightly. There is thin line one never wants to cross in mentor-mentee role, that is to disciple and not discipline. The mentor may chasten but they may never disenfranchise or cause dismay. Guide not goad, correct not cajole and there should always be a gentle nudging to grow and go beyond. I hope I have achieved these things in my mentoring role with Jen. JBE, the play and Jennifer herself are under active construction with team that I believe is in line with the vision God gave her. The play has a new name, and many new developments on the horizon. But I tell you be on the look out. This girl rocks—another inspired life, inspiring lives. Click to see one of Jennifer Blue’s interviews