Women of Concern Professionals Strategic Consciousness Networking Vol 1 Issue 5 | Page 23
Click for Michael Ware’s WOCP TV INTERVIEW.
Michael Ware is a first and foremost a Father. He does not refer to himself as a single father because he has tons of support in rearing his 2-year old fraternal twins a son, Ayrien and daughter, Londyn. Michael Ware is an inspired life, inspiring lives but his motivators and chief inspirations comes from watching children grow and motivate each other. I had an opportunity to talk with this 24 year old businessman, who models and services in the United States Navy in a WOCP TV 1 on 1 interview (click here to view). I became aware Michael early Spring through my son, Emon. Michael became his fitness coach, encouraging Emon to push limits in tough workout routines. I heard his tough yet positive approach in a videotaped session we did for P ??X?K?K?????\??\?[]?\?[???X?[?]???X?\??\???\??^H??[?\??ZX?Y[8?&\???H?X?Y???\??X?]\?H?HX\??Y]\?]H??YHY??X?[[Y\?\?X[??\?\??]?H[?[??\?[??Y?H??HH?X]^[\H??\??[?[??[Z[H[???Y[??[????[???HX?H??H????[?Y????\?YY?\??[??[???[??]?H?[?[?[Y[HX]???]?\?ZX?Y[Y?[??????X[]?\?]?\???X?Y???H]?K???[??XH?X[?P?\?\?Y?H?\????][???\?Z[?H?\?[\X??[[?[??\?[??\??[??[?[?H?YHZX?Y[8?&\?[?\??Y]?[?H???]?H?X]H[??Y[??\?HX[?H\?H\?XZ?[??]?[???Y\??[??Xx?&\?YX\?[?\?XY??H?[?[??[???H?[?[??[??[?\??H?\?\?X]?[YH??HY?\?H?[???\??ZX?Y[?]?]?[????\???[?\?]