“ Making Decisions …
Volume 1 , Issue 3 Affecting Change ”
Life can be compared to a game of chess . In life we carefully consider our moves , calculate our risks , strategic plan all aid us in winning the GAME called LIFE . But , how many of you know how
to play life ’ s GAME ?
From the Middle Ages to the 18th century chess was a popular social past-time between men and women of the upper class . Queen Mary of Scots and Queen Elizabeth played ; Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin were known to engage in the game with prominent women in France . But , down through the times women notably are outnumbered by men playing chess .
Is it that men are superior in strategic thinking ? No , I don ’ t believe that at all . The game of chess could be described as a battle of two titans , each strategically planning tactical move to violently seize the victory . Perhaps for men it is the opportunity to be aggressive and violent
without penalty of going to jail .
Women fundamentally do not engage in aggressions or behave violently , I ’ d say our thinking is more collective and collaborative in effort to bring about victories that avoid conflict and malicious harm . This may carry more weight if were didn ’ t have the nationally acclaim of reality shows like the “ Bad Girls Club ” and “ The Real Housewives of ….” were their sole purpose is to be real bad to one another
( LOL )
WOCPSCN is a strategic conscious organization consistently seeking opportunities to find the best alignments associations and affiliations possible . For us there collaborative initiatives that achieve the ultimate successes for all the stakeholders and participants involved are the best .. Imagine the chess board as a community that is greatly affected by high unemployment , high levels of poverty , low educational and economic opportunities ; high incidents of diseases that are leading causes of shorten life expectancies among its inhabitants . What would be your first move ? You are up
“ When see a good move , look for a better one .” Emanuel Lasker
first , the board reveals multiple options for you to take a move — do you make any old move , a good move or the best move you can possibly make ? You hopefully ,
make the best possible move .
Inside this issue :
Feature Story Dana Verde
Feature Story Amer I Can Re-Up
Spotlight Deborah Billips
Spotlight LeRoux Fayson
Community- 4 Women , 3 Lives Lost , 3 Different Times and 3 States
Wellness- Project E . M . O . N .
FC 5
What do you think of when you think of Women ’ s Organizations ? High annual entry fees , persistent meaningless newsletters and events ... no not all you think empowerment , education and enriching experience . WOCPSCN is that and more . We are growing quickly as we impact and affect change in our communities globally .
Special points of interest : WOCPSCN NEWS NY-Eastern Regional Recruitment Initiative BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY
We are the sorority of Women ’ s Organization and we are strategically aligned with vision and purpose . We are poised to influence how women do business and insuring that we are undergirding women in business through resources , media , marketing and exposure to technological education mainframes that help
them grow . For a full list membership benefits click here .