Women Empowering Women Magazine Women Emowering Women Magazine Spring 2015 Issue | Page 8

8 | Special Feature There are many oppressed Citizens of the Kingdom both suffered for years with their illness, however the who need to see the pastor for prayers, or a word, for difference between this woman and the invalid man advice or direction but never being able to see him and was that this woman really believed that if she could they sit in church, waiting for an opportunity for they just touch the hem of Jesus’ garment she would be believe if they have a time with him, then maybe, just made whole again. maybe they will have an answer or their deliverance will come through the pastors. Jesus is the answer, He is the Way, the Truth and the Life and you cannot get to Him through the pastor, She didn’t have to speak to Him, or even stop Him, merely by touching His garment she would be made whole. Her obstacle wasn’t her mind, but the crowd, because elder, deacon, prophet, teacher or evangelist, you have direct access to Him and He can show you the way. This man who sat by the pool was so busy concentrating on his pain and furthermore on the absentmindedness of those who passed him by, it almost made him feel sorry for himself, which would keep him in further pain and sorry as a victim. His pain blinded him to the very person he needed. With Jesus there, he didn’t have to ever think about not be able to go into the pool, he didn’t have to be Jesus is the answer , He is the way, the Truth and the Life. dependent on any other person. she had to push through the crowd to touch His Jesus asked him the question to shift his focus, he Garment; she had to push through false perceptions, needed a paradigm shift from his pain to Jesus and it negative thoughts about her, stigma, preconceived was in the refocusing of his attention that the authority ideas and judgemental attitudes; she had to push to get came when Jesus said…Rise, take up your bed and through to receive her healing and she did! walk. Immediately the man was made well. This was on the Sabbath, a day healing was not meant to take place. However, Jesus defied all rules and limitations to reach out to an invalid. Her belief in the fact that Jesus would heal gave her the fortitude to push past the barriers and obstacles to receive what she believed she would. When Jesus realised that the touch had removed some power from When we have a fundamental change in approach or Him, she had to own up and in that He underlying assumptions which bring us into right focal responded…..your faith has healed you. range, it places us in position and brings forth a supernatural breakthrough in our lives. Unlike the man whose faith was in something else and it took the question ….. Do You Want to Be Made This story led me to read about the woman who had a Whole? To bring his focus back to Jesus so that he 12 year infirmity, very similar to the man in that they could be healed, the woman’s focus was already on SPRING 2015 WOMEN EMPOWERING WOMEN