Women Empowering Women Magazine Women Emowering Women Magazine Spring 2015 Issue | Page 7

Special Feature | 7 I ’m often in me and this season My Father was going to get fascinated with me just where I needed to be….WHOLE! the questions the Holy Spirit asks me, I guess it’s because He already knows the answer, and I was reminded that this was the same question Jesus asked the invalid man who sat by the pool of Bethsaida for many years; he had been ill for 38 years and would always go to the pool waiting for someone to put him in it so he could be healed. He uses the questions to bring me back into focus. The whole idea about the pool is that an angel As I was pondering on what I’m to write for our Spring Special Issue, I wasn’t sure what the readers needed to hear or be inspired by and if you’re anything like me I’m sure there’s no point trying to would go down to pool at a certain time and stir up the water, then whoever stepped in first, after the stirring of the water, was made well of whatever disease they had. inspire others with false words or notions when you have nothing to say. Due to this man’s issue, it was impossible for him to go into the pool by himself, so he would wait by the A couple of days back, as I settled down to my morning devotion….ahhh, I appreciated the pure pool hoping that someone would take pity on him and help him into it so he would be healed. quietness in our home. The kids were at school and all I could hear was the clock in the hallway, ticking Of course, Jesus comes along and finds this man by away. It was sheer peace and tranquillity and I was the pool, waiting and He asks the man…Do you going to make sure I received something from my want to be made well? The sick man responds by Father before I made my way to church for my saying he has no one to put him into the pool when Friday discipleship teaching with the women in the the water is stirred and while he is making his way group. hoping that this would be his lucky day, someone else steps into the pool to receive their healing. As soon as I settled into the Word of God to see what God had for me, I heard the question……Do As I ponder on the m