Women Empowering Women Magazine Women Emowering Women Magazine Spring 2015 Issue | Page 9

Special Feature | 9 Jesus and it was her faith coupled with the grace to Greek), even though Jesus doesn’t separate race, but push through the crowd that healed her. this woman had great faith she was focused on Jesus As I pondered on these two individuals, I asked and not on the reference to her culture. myself, where have I removed my focus from Christ When we harbour internal wounds we find it difficult to? to focus and move forward, we find it difficult to Immediately I was reminded about another story of the Gentile woman who showed her faith when she asked Jesus to heal her daughter of an unclean spirit; the woman was a Greek by birth and she kept asking Him to cast out the demon out of her daughter. Jesus response was let the children be filled first, for it is not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the little dogs. She answered and said to Jesus Yes Lord, even the little dogs under the table eat from the children’s crumbs. receive love and forgive others of the hurt they have inflicted on us, in other words we take our focus away from God and on the issue, and as we focus on the hurt we live in the reflection of that pain, we become stagnant. This woman’s faith was so great she wasn’t interested in the perceived culture divide, but only in the Healer Jesus. I believe that God was using this question to get my attention, to renew my mind set and to focus on Him. He will use whoever He will to bless me, I am not called to look for who God is using, but to keep In response to what she said, Jesus healed her focused on Him and He will do the rest. daughter If you’re reading this article, Jesus is asking you This woman could have reacted to Jesus’ in how He today, Do You Want to Be