WNY Family Magazine July 2019 | Page 59

Instead of asking him, “How do you feel about this visitation arrangement?” (which will probably elicit a one-word answer), say “I bet it’s hard sometimes to have to go back and forth between two houses.” Even if your child is silent after your comment, he will get the notion that you understand how he is feeling. If he disagrees with your statement, chances are he will express that and say, “No, it’s not that bad. Sometimes I like having two rooms.” 70 Weiss Avenue • West Seneca/Orchard Park (716) 677-0338 www.gymnastics-unlimited.net Either way, you are addressing an important need of your child’s to feel understood and that the family doesn’t have to pre- tend everything is okay all the time — and mostly, that you get that it’s not always easy for them. It’s not too late to register for Summer 2019 CALL NOW! Quality Gymnastics: 3) Don’t take your child’s strong or negative feelings per- sonally. Kids often express anger or disagreement to the parent who feels emotionally safest to them. If your child is disappointed with the other parent’s actions or behaviors, don’t be surprised if she takes it out on you! She may even blame you for the other parent’s lack of integrity. If you respond by defending yourself or blaming the other par- ent, you are likely to shut down your child’s communication with you. Instead of automatically assuming your child doesn’t under- stand your feelings, accept that she is just venting her frustrations and the fact that she comes to you is a compliment. To come to you means she trusts that you can hear it without falling apart or judg- ing her. Even though that doesn’t seem logical in the adult world, from a child’s perspective, she needs to have at least one parent who can be the non-anxious one and who can calmly tolerate her sporadic outbursts and still love her unconditionally. Ages 1-18yrs ~ Weekly Themes NEW!! Mini Camp! 2 or 3 days per week ages 4-10 Air Conditio ne Facilit y! d NOW REGISTERING for FALL ~ Classes Begin Sept. 3rd Learning ‘N’ MOTION Preschool with a Twist! Not just Preschool... Learning ‘N’ Motion integrates gymnastics with educational activities. STER R EG I O N W ALL! e F for th ce is S pa e d limit CLASSES BEGIN SEPTEMBER 9th 3 year old Class Mon/Th 4 year old Class M/Wed/Th CALL TODAY! I’ve counseled parents who tell me that their children have asked them to not attend a school event, for example, because it made them “uncomfortable.” An anxious or insecure parent is likely to take that personally and be upset with the child for not supporting the parent’s need to be there. I counseled one dad who very wisely recognized that his son asked him to stay away because he knew that having both parents in the same place might cause a conflict. So, it was the conflict the son was really trying to manage. www.facebook.com/WNYFamily Instead of judging his son for asking him to stay away, the dad simply said, “I can understand why having me there might make you uncomfortable. If your mom and I were to get into a fight, you might feel responsible. So, I’m going to come anyway because I want to be there, but I’m going to promise you that I will never create a scene or get into conflict with your mom at a school event. Even if she tries, I will walk away. It’s not your job to worry about our conflict…that’s our job.” He said his son didn’t have much of a response other than, “Okay.” But dad kept his word and his son never expressed the dis- comfort again. I suspect his son felt relieved that the adults prom- ised to take control of the adult issues so he could be a kid. How do you get your kids to talk to you? Prove that you can be trusted with their feelings — no matter what they are. Diane C. Dierks is a licensed marriage and family therapist in Atlanta, Georgia. She is also author of “The Co-Parent Toolbox” (2014 Aha! Publishing) and “Solo Parenting: Raising Strong & Happy Families” (1997 Fairview Press). To learn more, visit her website is www.dianedierks.com. Find events, activities, places to go and things to do to enrich family life in our area! July 2019 WNY Family 59