WM Worship Team Buyer's Guide 2022 | Page 61

[ Debi ] Our church usually has 7 singers on mic on the stage each week , which I realize is more than most . We have 2 people on each part ( soprano , alto , tenor ) and then the main leader . I record vocal parts in my home studio of each part using the track or with just a piano or guitar so that our singers can clearly hear their part and rehearse with the mp3 . I typically arrange vocals close to what has been done in the original recordings . I use Pro Tools recording software but Garage Band is also a widely available option for those who want to record from their computer . I do separate mixes for each vocal part and upload those to the song file in Planning Center . I also create color-coded lyric sheets that help our singers know when and what to sing . Grey highlighted lyrics means unison , yellow highlighted lyrics mean three parts , red is inverted parts and
no highlight means that is just the worship leader alone . I also make notes of which part is carrying the melody in each section so it ’ s easier to find their part .
[ WM ] You also work with the choir at your church . What kind of choir is it and how often do they sing ?
[ Debi ] We have a worship choir with people ranging in ages from 18 to 80s ! We have “ Choir Sundays ” the first Sunday of every month and they sing for the entire worship service in both services ( 9:00am & 11:11am ). We do contemporary Worship songs and a lot of Black Gospel influenced songs as well . Our choir is more than just a group of singers … we ’ re part of a worship community at our church and are blessed to do life together .
[ WM ] How do you cultivate a healthy relationship with your audio tech teams ?
[ Debi ] Our tech team is truly one of the greatest I ’ ve ever worked with in my life - no bias at all . ( laughing )
Since we all work together on staff , we have a lot of opportunities to talk and discuss solutions to any issues that may arise on Sundays and during other events at church . We care about and respect each other so with that as the foundation , it allows us to talk freely and work together in a way that ’ s healthy and open . I encourage all worship teams / leaders to have a regular time where they meet with their tech teams . It makes worshiping together all about relationship and the common goal of glorifying God in every way .
BUYER ’ S GUIDE August 2022 WT Subscribe to [ WM ] for Free ... 61