WM Worship Team Buyer's Guide 2022 | Page 60

[ Debi ] When I ’ m leading a song in worship , my mindset is to make it really clear where the song is going , both for the congregation and the worship team . Preparation is key so I make sure I know exactly what my arrangement is and make notes on my iPad of that structure and rehearse the band that way . If I decide to go around the chorus or bridge another time or deviate a little from the plan in the moment , I have hand signals I use to direct the band on where I ’ m going as well as singing out the first few words or the line of the section I ’ m wanting to do . Preparation , direction , confidence and listening to the Holy Spirit are super important as the one leading a song .
[ WM ] What is your strategy for arranging the vocal parts when two ( or more ) BGV ’ s are on the worship platform ?
60 BUYER ’ S GUIDE August 2022 WT Subscribe to [ WM ] for Free ...