WM Worship Team Buyer's Guide 2022 | Page 15

session greats like Brent Mason , Tom Bukovac , & Jerry McPherson , to the more popular guys like Keith Urban and Brad Paisley . What ’ s funny is that I don ’ t really see myself as a country , jazz , or rock guy , but all of these styles have definitely helped shape my own sound and style , giving me a fun musical vocabulary to pull from when I need it .
[ WM ] Tell us how the longstanding gig with Truth came about ?
[ Chris ] I was invited , and sort of reluctantly went , to a Truth concert about 30 years ago . I walked in not having a clue what I was getting myself into and walked out convinced God had just audibly spoken to me , as I knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that I was destined to be in that group . It ’ s the first time I experienced what one might deem “ God ’ s call ”, as I suddenly had purpose to my musical passions . A few years later I began at the University of Mobile , as there was a group there called “ Vision ”, which I determined would be an excellent way to get the experience I needed to someday tour with Truth . Soon thereafter , God began to put key people in my life , one thing led to another , and a few years later I found myself playing guitar on the road with Truth . So to be invited back 30 years later to play for the 50th reunion , since that first experience , and at the very same church , was , to say the least , moving as well as an honor , as I can literally pinpoint my entire career / ministry to that first concert .
10 years later , Steven V Taylor , who was the musical director and producer of Truth , asked me to come play guitar one weekend at World Outreach Church , in Murfreesboro , TN , and almost 10 years later I ’ m still there , not just playing guitar but now one of the worship leaders . It ’ s almost comical to look back and see this common thread , called Truth , running through it all .
[ WM ] You have played worship guitar alongside some notable musicians … What is your strategy for arranging the guitar parts when two ( or more ) guitarists are on the worship platform or concert stage ? worship team at your local church ?
[ Chris ] Like I mentioned before , I ’ ve been at World Outreach Church for nearly 10 years and I ’ ve done everything from leading worship , to playing guitar , recording , vocal coaching , writing Broadway-like theatrical pieces , arranging hymns , as well as often playing guitar for special guests like Michael W . Smith , the late great Charlie Daniels , Chris McClarney , the Katinas , Meredith Andrews , among others . So they keep me involved and busy , but I do enjoy it . It feeds my soul when others , professionallyspeaking , feel like they can count on me to deliver on excellence . So , I ’ m grateful .
[ WM ] What has that meant to your musical career and your walk with the Lord ?
[ Chris ] Most , if not all , of my career , up to this point , is a result of relationships that have been birthed out of Truth in some way , shape , or form . After Truth , I served on a church staff as an associate to the worship leader , Jason Breland , the son of the founder of Truth . As I mentioned earlier , I was in a group called ‘ 33Miles ’, which was a result of Mark Harris of 4Him , who was in Truth years before me , introducing me to Jason Barton , who would become the lead singer of ‘ 33Miles ’. Almost
[ Chris ] I produce as well , and that has a way of shaping the way you see or hear music over time . So , when I ’ m working with another guitarist on stage , I want to make sure there ’ s a little space for each and every one of us , sonically-speaking , so that it doesn ’ t end up feeling like a wall of noise . I always suggest that one of us simply stay higher up the neck and the other take the lower tones . Sometimes , doubling one another , like on a lower riff , can be cool , but eventually one of us needs to jump back up to a higher place on the EQ spectrum .
[ WM ] Tell us about your participation on the
[ WM ] You also play outside the church . Tell us about your other guitar playing roles ?
[ Chris ] I often get called on for gigs , session jobs here and there , I ’ m always playing on the stuff I ’ m producing , but the most current news is my online guitar course , Everybody Play Guitar . It ’ s a 4-part course for beginner ’ s , ages 7 +. So if your kids want to learn guitar , if you ’ re looking for something fun for the whole family to do together , a gift for a loved one , if you need a new hobby … this is it . It ’ s definitely for beginner ’ s , very introductory . I created it for ease and convenience , and thanks to the
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