WM Worship Team Buyer's Guide 2022 | Page 16

internet , you can learn on your own terms … any time , any place . It was my “ Covid Project ,” and to my surprise , because the country was at home quarantining , I actually had multiple people sign up , so I ’ m investing quite a bit of time and energy into it , as I believe it to be a valuable resource for budding guitarists .
[ WM ] Do you have a home studio setup ? If so , what are you using to record with ? Any Plug-ins your using ? Tell us about your studio .
[ Chris ] These days , in regards to electric guitar , I ’ ve found myself using Amplitube 5 quite a bit … I ’ ve honestly been shocked by how good it is . I was determined to not do the plug-in thing , but they got me . I just go direct and use their pedals , amps , and such for the most part . Nobody ever knows that it ’ s not a real amp . These days , the plugins have gotten so close to mimicking the hardware that it ’ s kind of a waste of time to bother with all of “ the stuff ”. Unless , of course , you ’ re going to record in a studio with other human beings . People still listen with their eyes , so coming in with pedals , amps , and guitars , still has its place , but I ’ m not sure that it ’ s as necessary as it once was .
For acoustic , I ’ m just using a Shure SM-81 . Would I say it ’ s the best ? No , but it ’ s worked . I also tend not to run it into a compressor and just go straight into either my API 512c or Audient … I try to keep things as uncolored and unprocessed as possible . Get the takes , double them if need be , then send it to a mix guy , who knows what he ’ s doing , and it works out .
[ WM ] Your thoughts on modeling units vs . analog pedals ?
[ Chris ] At WOC , I use the church ’ s Kempers . Honestly , I like , but I don ’ t love . There seems to be this mid-range mud that drives me crazy , especially when you really dig in , but I do love how convenient they are . I ’ ve grown more comfortable with modeling , for sure , but I do love my pedals .
[ WM ] Can you list three worship albums that inspire your own worship guitar playing ?
[ Chris ] The honest answer is “ no ”. Worship music , in general , has never really been what I turned to in regards to informing , challenging , or inspiring me , as a guitarist . I will say that the most fun I ’ ve ever had , when playing guitar in worship settings , is when I was playing more Gospel music , like Brooklyn Tabernacle , Geron Davis , and the like . I love the depth and technicality of music in that kind of writing , the challenge of reading down those charts , and the emotional tug you feel when you ’ re playing it .
[ WM ] Outline your live rig on stage for us . What acoustic guitar , pick-up and D . I . box are you using ?
[ Chris ] I keep it simple . I don ’ t run through pedals and stuff like that for acoustic guitar . I think it muddies the waters . I ’ ve seen guys use pedalboards for acoustics to get this sound that they absolutely love , and it may sound beautiful when they ’ re playing by themselves , but when you add all of the other musicians and singers in the mix , it either gets lost because it ’ s too dark sounding or it takes up too much space in the EQ spectrum .
Acoustics , as it pertains to worship music are naturally a mid-range instrument , so leave them be , and let them do their job , especially since all they ’ re really being used for is strumming . There ’ s really no need for all of the extra bells and whistles or the added body on the low end , sonically-speaking . I would recommend investing in a well-crafted guitar with quality electronics and investing in a quality D . I . if your church doesn ’ t already provide one . At that point the acoustic will be close to where it needs to sit , and the audio engineer , who is ultimately hearing the big picture , will be able to give it the little tweaks to help it sit in the right space .
[ WM ] Electric guitars , amps , pedalboard ?
[ Chris ] As mentioned earlier … I ’ m using the Kemper at church and Amplitube 5 at home these days . I still take out my old Carr Hammerhead sometimes … I love that amp . To me it ’ s one of the most overlooked little combo amps in recent history . Still can ’ t believe it ’ s discontinued . I have been eyeballing the Neural DSP , but that ’ s TBD .
For guitars … I ’ ve found and stuck with two electrics over the last several years that seem to cover all the ground I need at this point , tone-wise . I have a Danocaster tele , built here in Nashville . I was reluctant on Tele ’ s for years , but then I came to my senses once I discovered how versatile they are . My other guitar is a Duesenberg Starplay TV , which is just pure gold … it makes me feel like a better person just holding it ( ha !). They do the job ; I can ’ t complain .
For pedals … I ’ m running into an RC Booster V2 , XTS Imperial Overdrive , a Karma MTN-10 overdrive , a Boss EQ , a Dunlop mini volume , and the Line6 HX Effects . That gives me quality stackable gain stages , and a solid effects processor that ’ s dependable and versatile . Oh , and there ’ s a TC Electronics Polytune .
[ WM ] I like that you have developed a how to learn how to play guitar course . Tell us about it .
[ Chris ] As I mentioned , it ’ s for beginners . That being said , to break it down , it ’ s 4 courses : The Beginner ’ s Guide to Guitar Vol . 1 & 2 , where you ’ ll learn nearly 100 chords , including more advanced chords , like diminished & split chords , how to play in multiple keys , and basic music theory . The Beginners ’ Guide to Lead Guitar Vol 1 & 2 , introduces you to major and minor scales , modes , the pentatonic scale , and more . It ’ s everything you ’ d want to learn as a beginner without the hassle of travel , traffic , long boring in-person lessons , or expensive books and materials . You go at your own pace , on your own time , and if you have any questions … I ’ m always an email away .
[ WM ] I also see that you have a Podcast .
16 BUYER ’ S GUIDE August 2022 WT Subscribe to [ WM ] for Free ...