9. Standing Forward Bend:
This is a complete yoga
stretching exercise that tone
the whole body and relaxes
the muscles all over the
body. This really helps a lot in
weight loss.
How to Do:
F irst stand in T adasana pose by making the hand in the other side of
the body
M ake sure you keep the feet together that touches the floor .
T hen make your spine erect and keep deeply inhaling with lifting the hand
upward .
W hile en - haling only bend towards forward and keeping the body failing
away from the hip .
T ry to touch the floor , with palms straight on the floor , and make sure
you don ’ t bending your knees .
T hen hold on your breath in that position for about 50 to 60 second .
T hen come back to the normal pose of T adasana
lifting the body .
R epeat this for 10 times .
by leaving the toe and