10. Half Spin Twisted Pose:
This is regard as one of the best yoga pose as it increase
the flexibility of the spine and get rid of the back pain that
usually the pregnant mother used to get during pregnancy.
It also tones the muscles of back, hip, abdomen and the
shoulder. Its keep on relaxing the mind and body and treat
the nervous disorder.
How to Do:
S it on the yoga mat .
B ring the left foot over the right one and place it on the right side
of the right leg .
T hen you have to twist the body from the waist towards the left .
M ake the left angle with your right hand while looking
over the left shoulder .
T hen you can kept the left hand behind you and let
it rest on the floor .
H old on for the position 30 seconds and breath
normally .
T hen come back to the straight position by inhaling .
R epeat this for another side of the leg .
D o for 5-6 times at a stretch .
Yoga is a powerful weapon that
really work great to lose pregnancy
weight. This makes you get back
to the shape. I hope this article has
given you good information about
the various yoga pose that you
can do for the weight loss during