Wishesh Magazine September-2019 Wishesh Magazine September-2019 | Page 72

INDIAN YOGA 7.Half Tortoise Pose: 72 Pregnancy weight can be loose by laying on the bed. This is possible with half tortoise pose. It is a relaxing pose that stretch the lower back and hip muscles. It do also helps in digestion improvement and relaxation of muscles. How to Do: F irst sit on your knee with buttocks resting on the heels . T hen raise your hand up and inhale by making the palm together and lower the body from the waist while inhaling . M ake sure your forehead touches the floor . H old on for 30 seconds T hen come back to the normal position A fter that place your arms on your knee while exhaling . R epeat this for 5-6 times WWW.WISHESH.NET | SEPTEMBER 2019