2. Bow Pose:
Bow pose is one of the yoga poses that you can try to lose
weight after pregnancy. This is a superb way to stretch the
whole body. This exercise is a good stretch of the abdomen
and improves the posture.
How to Do:
L ie down on the mat , with the legs together and making your hands rest on
either side of your body and palms facing the floor .
A fter that exhale and bend your knees upwards and try to hold them with
your hands .
D o also lift your head and bend backward direction .
S upport your body weight with your abdomen and inhaling deeply and try
to lift your knees higher as you can .
H old it for 15 to 30 seconds
T hen exhale and slowly relax , stretching out your body .
R epeat this for 10 times and relax for 15 seconds after each repetition .