After few days passed both
being in love, Qays directly
approached Laila’s parents
and asked for Laila’s hand
for marriage. And the girl’s
father said no for Qays idea
of marriage. The lovers were
separated from each other
and forever. Laila got married
to a wealthy man as per her
family’s wish. Qays got to
know about Laila’s marriage
and his heart was broken.
It is said that the Qays was
seen uttering poems for Laila
and kept wandering in the
desserts. On the other side,
Laila fell sick and died. Qays’
friends searched for him to
give the news about Laila’s
death but they couldn’t find
him. Later Qays was found
dead near Laila’s grave.
The boy’s mad love and
passion gave him the name
“Majnu” which means “driven
by Layla.” Their eternal love
brought together in death