Wishesh Magazine February 2020 Wishesh Magazine February 2020 | Page 67
Yoga Poses To Boost Skin Radiance
Asana 1 - Uttanasana
In Uttasana, when your body
moves forward, there is an
increase in the blood flow and
this helps with eliminating all
the free radicals from
your skin.
Steps to Perform Uttanasana
> Stand straight and join your feet, ankles, and toes
> Close our eyes
> Exhale and lift both your hands up
> Slowly bend forward and make sure not to bend your knees.
pressurize your body much, bend as much as you can
Try to bring your forehead to the knees and place your palms
on the floor
Stay in this posture for a minute
You can practice this asana three times a week.