Rosacea is a potentially
life-disruptive blood
vessel disorder of the
face affecting women and
men. The skin condition
typically begins after age 30
as redness on the cheeks,
nose, chin or forehead.
Over time, redness often
becomes ruddier and more
persistent, and blood vessels
may appear. Left untreated,
pustules often develop and
in severe cases skin may
swell and thicken. According to the NHS, it’s estimated that as many as
one in 10 people in the UK have rosacea – so what causes it and, more
importantly, can it be treated?
What causes Rosacea? - The cause of rosacea is not fully understood. Your
genetics, immune system and environmental factors may all play a part.
Factors that trigger rosacea cause the blood vessels in the skin of the face
to enlarge (dilate). There are a variety of triggers that may make rosacea
worse. These include alcohol, exercise, high and low temperatures, hot
drinks, spicy foods and stress. Rosacea can be sun sensitive and is not
How can Rosacea be treated? - The inflammation that accompanies
rosacea can be treated with preparations applied to the skin or taken
by mouth; however, not all these will help the redness or blushing that
may be associated with rosacea. In some cases your GP may prescribe
antibiotics, these are helpful for the inflammatory element of rosacea.
There is no cure for rosacea, however lifestyle
and diet can help keep it under control,
combined with the following products and
Obagi - Obagi medical products can be used
to minimise both the causes and appearance of
the condition. Using a combination treatment
of Obagi Nu-Derm Gentle Cleanser, Hydrate and Sun Shield, the visible
signs can be effectively managed and flare ups can be reduced.
Circadia by Dr Pugliese – Tranquili cream
which contains hydrating agents and powerful
anti-irritants to help reduce the appearance of
redness and itching sensations, to improve skin
softness and comfort upon application. Rose-
Ease Relief Cream helps calm the redness and
irritation associated with rosacea, while aiding
in controlling the demodex mite, thought to
contribute to rosacea.
LED Light Therapy - This fantastic treatment
is non-invasive, pain free and has no downtime. It harnesses the power
of pure light to accelerate the skin’s natural rejuvenation and repair
processes. As well as helping sooth and reduce the symptoms of rosacea, it
is clinically proven to also help other skin concerns such as acne, eczema
and psoriasis.
HydraFacial - The HydraFacial rosacea treatments consists of a six stage
process which helps to detoxify the skin, remove dead skin cells, extract
any debris and provide long lasting hydration and essential nutrient
support that protects and rebuilds collagen levels. Treatment uses super-
serums filled with antioxidants, peptides and hyaluronic acid to boost
hydration and protect skin from environmental damage, leaving it
recharged, renewed, and invigorated.
Fotona Laser - The Fotona laser treatment works to break up dilated
blood vessels and inflammation. The treatment is also beneficial for those
suffering with acne associated with the condition, as it effectively shuts
down overactive oil glands that tend to clog the affected area resulting in
acne lesions.
For more information, visit
To book your free skin consultation,
contact our West Kirby clinic on 0151 625 8080
or our Heswall Clinic on 0151 348 4878,
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