Wirral Life August 2019 | Page 79

Fast, effective treatments provided by experienced doctors in Wirral. Seborrheic Keratosis Verrucae Skin tag Sun spot Wart Milia CryoPen™ - Flawless skin in a matter of seconds CryoPen™ is an advanced cryotherapy innovation that is fast, effective, safe and a new solution for removal of skin imperfections. Cosmetic procedures such as warts, milia, cherry angiomas are no longer being treated by many doctors on the NHS. Performed by Dr Sally-Ann Dolan Call to arrange a free consultation today 158-160 Banks Road, West Kirby, Wirral, CH48 0RH Tel: 0151 625 8080 163-165 Telegraph Road, Heswall, Wirral, CH60 7SE Tel: 0151 348 4878 www.sdsrejuvenate.co.uk