No Pain, No Gain
Fitness Sampler
This four week fitness sampler allows you to experience and
test the waters with each of the following; Yoga, Tai Chi,
Pilates, and Booty Barre. Discover the best fit for you! Price:
$39. Choose only one of the yoga classes held on Monday
or Wednesday evenings. Please call the recreation office at
(540) 332-3945 for details and scheduling. Please register
with Staunton Parks and Recreation.
Tai Chi and Qigong for Good-ness
Harvard Health Publication called Tai Chi “moving
meditation” and wrote of the “myriad health issues it has
been proven to help with”. Tai Chi and/or Qigong can
boost immune function by 50%, increase brain size, reduce
depression and anxiety, and reduce stress by providing
powerful stress management tools. These arts also improve
respiratory function, reduce or eliminate chronic pain
issues, dramatically improve balance and dexterity, and
much more. It is used in hospitals, businesses, prisons,
schools, and other health aware institutions. Our classes
encompass all levels and we specialize in working with
those with health issues, improving overall health and
recovering health! Tai Chi and Qigong is a wonderful
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