Adult Ministries
Your Spiritual Road Map
Want to GROW in your faith but don’t
know the next steps to take? Pick up a
Spiritual Road Map and find tools GBPC
offers for you to do just that!
9:30 Sunday
Equipping Class
“Taking Responsibility for
Your Life” by Andy Stanley. RESPONSIBILITIES! We all have them. But
we don't all take them as seriously as we
ought to. Wouldn't it be great if we all
took responsibility for the things we are
responsible for? Wouldn't it be great if
you took responsibility for everything you
are responsible for? Whether you are the
most responsible person you know or the
reason for the 'IR' in IRRESPONSIBLE,
you'll find some invaluable insights in this
Andy Stanley four-part series beginning
January 5th.
The Life and Writings of
Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
Starting on Feb 2 we will have a
four-session video-based Bible
study by Eric Metaxas. Please join
us and discover the major themes
of Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s writing and
speaking and how he not only helped
transform an entire faith community in
Germany during World War II, but how
his beliefs continue to impact the Christian
faith of people throughout the world today. Facilitated by Herb Honaker, John
Lynch and Mark Pascucci. (Room 260)
11:00 Sunday
Equipping Class
1 Corinthians Bible Study
Conversion to Christ doesn’t automatically
guarantee impeccable manners and suitable morals. This was demonstrated by the
believers at the Corinthian church, who
struggled with factions, immorality, and
wrong motives in worship. Paul’s first
letter to the Corinthians addresses all these
issues in an affectionate but firm response
reminding them to devote their hearts to
Christ alone. Facilitated by Matt Brooks &
John Munday. (Room 260)
Small Groups
Great choices for 2014!
Contact Kristiem@gbpres.org
9:30 am Women’s Empty Nesters:
Gideon by Priscilla Shirer
9:30 am Women’s Group: Having a
Mary Heart in a Martha World by
Joanna Weaver.
11:30 am Women’s Group: Having
a Mary Spirit Direct your gaze past
your own shortcomings to the God
who stands ready, willing, and able
to make a new woman out of you!
Room 240 beginning Jan. 7th.
6:30 pm Generations Knit (& Crocheted) Together: Three generations
of women will teach knitting or crocheting and fellowship in Christ!
Are you biblically illiterate? Or, do you
know a lot about Jesus’ life but not much
about the Old Testament? As we begin
this Year of Spiritual Growth with a
focus in January and February on studying God’s Word, we invite you to come
join us for a 7 week overview of the entire
Bible! Class begins Jan 5th in the sanctuary. Facilitated by Ralph Herbert & Anita
7 pm Men’s Tuesday Group
Wed., January 22nd, 6:30 pm
by Steven Mosley
6:30 Wednesday
Night Live Offerings
9:30 am Women’s Group Thursday Girls
6:30 am MEN’S Bible Study with
Ralph: The coffee is on! Meaningful
discussions with plenty of time to
make it to work.
11 am Group Just for Seniors: The
Gospel of Mark
8 am A.M. Men’s Bible Study:
Meet for breakfast and study!
“Chosen Garment:
The Whole Bible in One Act!”
All ages invited!!
5 pm The first organizational meeting will be held at church (child care
available). We will meet in homes
twice each month. Join us as we
plan the details of this new Small
Group for women! Beginning Jan.