Winter Church Chat January 2014 | Page 3

3 The Whole Bible in One Act Through dramatic church presentations like “Chosen Garment, The Whole Bible in One Act,” Steven Mosley has given a whole new meaning to the term “Christian speaker.” Audiences sense that they are traveling through Scripture and coming to the climax of the greatest story ever told. Pastors around the country have responded with wonderful, heartwarming comments about this Christian speaker who helps people see the richness of the Word as they never have before. In this dramatic live presentation Steven takes people on a whirlwind tour through the Bible that’s both humorous and deeply moving. With over 200 telecasts to his FOR ALL AGES! credit, Steven Mosley is a Telly JANUARY 22ND and Angel award 6:30 PM -winning producer and scriptwriter who has been making the Bible come alive for audiences since 1984. Some of his major projects include the seven-part series on Christian martyrs, “Unshakable Faith,” and a seven-part series, “Empires in Collision,” taped in Paris, Rome, Paris and New Delhi. Steven has a special gift for dramatizing conversion stories for television and has directed many performers from Actors Coop of Hollywood Presbyterian Church. Building on his experience as a Christian speaker, as well as director and producer, Steven has served in the Saddleback Community Church drama ministry and as the Director of Drama for Coast Hills Community Church in Southern California. His films and music videos include, “The Rendezvous,” “Undivided,” and “Unpromising Canvases.” Steven grew up in Mexico and Colombia, blessed by loving, godly parents. During his college years he was greatly influenced by Campus Crusade for Christ. He worked in Japan for five years, teaching Bible classes and making evangelistic films. The experience taught him a great deal about communicating with people who are profoundly secular. Resolve to Attend a Retreat In 2014 FOR MEN: February 7th & 8th. For men ages 14 & up! Featuring Rodger Nishioka. Get amped and ready to be enlightened, rejuvenated and challenged by dynamic speaker and educator, Rodger Nishioka! Join us for this intergenerational event at the Hilton Garden Inn, Kitty Hawk, NC. One night only! Rodger will preach all three services on Feb. 9! FOR WOMEN: Feb. 28th, March 1st & 2nd. For women aged 14 yrs and up! Featuring Dana Joy Cavallaro. Learn about keeping it real with a look at the Beatitudes. Join us for what promises to be a time of fun, fellowship and spiritual renewal at the Williamsburg Woodlands Hotel & Suites in beautiful historic Williamsburg, VA! LOOK FOR SIGN UPS IN THE FELLOWSHIP HALL! Happy Anniversary GBPC In 1960, the Norfolk Presbytery recognized a need for a church in the Great Bridge area and purchased six and onehalf acres of land on the corner of Cedar Road and Briarfield Drive (across from the current Chesapeake City Hall) in ĂŶƟĐŝƉĂƟŽŶ ďƵŝů ŽĨ ĚŝŶŐ ĐŚƵƌĐŚ ƚŚĂƚ Ă ŽŶ site. Rev. Ira B. Watson, Jr., began his ǁ ŽƌŬ ϭϵϲ Ϯ ĂŌĞƌ Ž ŝŶ ĂŶĚ ƚǁ ŵŽŶƚŚƐ ŽĨ ministry had 35 in Sunday School and 48 in worship. The faithful met for two years in the Great Bridge Elementary School (now Great Bridge Primary School), and Great Bridge Presbyterian Church was formally organized on February 23, 1964. The dream for a dedi- cated place of worship was recognized ǁ ŝƚŚ ĐŽŵƉů ƟŽŶ Ă ƚŚĞ Ğ ŽĨ ƐĂŶĐƚƵĂƌ  LJŝŶ 1967. Throughout 2014, GBPC will celebrate 50 years of ministry and mission, providing ŵĂŶLJŽƉƉŽƌƚƵŶŝ ĨŽƌ  ƟĞƐ ƉĞŽƉů ƚŽ ŽƌͲ Ğ ǁ ship, grow and serve in our church, community, country and throughout the world. We'll begin with a special worship involving charter members and other special guests on February 23, 2014, ĐƵů ŵŝŶĂƟŶŐ Ă ŝŶ ϱϬƚŚ ĂŶŶŝǀ ĞƌƐĂƌLJĞů  ĞͲ ďƌĂƟŽŶ ŽŶĐĞƌƚ ;ƐĞĞ ƉĂŐĞ ĨŽƌ ϱ ŵŽƌĞ ŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶͿ We'll also look forward to ͘ a special homecoming week beginning September 7th with a church family Fall <ŝĐŬ ī ͕  ŵŝŶĂƟŶŐ^ĞƉƚ͘  K ĐƵů  ϭϰƚŚ ŝƚŚ ǁ Ă Meet the Composer concert. We hope you'll come celebrate with us!