Winter Church Chat January 2014 | Page 2

2 GBPC 2014 Priorities The restructuring of Session in 2011 has continued to allow elders to focus on long-range planning for GBPC, part of which includes establishing key priorities for each year that serve as a guide for our ministry teams. During the months of October and November of 2013, the elders spent time in prayer and engaged in a corporate discernment process to determine what areas God is calling us to focus more energy on in 2014. The following priorities were discerned, the “what” we believe God is calling us to do, which were shared with the ministry teams, who provided ideas on the “how” to make these a priority. We focused on three priorities under the heading inwardly strong—meaning, these are things we believe we are being called to focus on in order to encourage spiritual growth in the congregation. We also discerned three priorities in the area of externally focused, which specifically focus on our understanding that we are called to be missional—engaged in acts of service and evangelism. 2. 3. ways we can focus on particular disciplines or practices throughout the year. To this end, we have decided that 2014 should be the Year of Spiritual Growth, adding other disciplines to our interest in focusing on God’s Word. Read below for more info about the Year of Spiritual Growth. Preschool—One of the valuable ministries of GBPC is Great Bridge Presbyterian Preschool. We desire to strengthen this ministry and to build a stronger relationship of support between the church and the preschool. Session has established a task force to work with the Preschool Board, and are seeking closer connections between the Preschool and Children’s Ministry Team. Children and Youth Ministries— For a second year, we recognize the importance of vital children’s and youth ministries. Ways to make this a priority include providing more tools for parents, developing a discipleship strategy for leaders as well as for children and youth, and creating a year-round youth intern position. INWARDLY STRONG 1. Spiritual Disciplines—Spiritual disciplines are intentional actions followers of Christ do in order to continue to grow in relationship with Him. Children, youth and adult ministry leaders have been working collaboratively to plan for 2. 3. distribution, homelessness, jail and reentry missions, and evangelistic and disciple-making missions. We will continue to focus on ways for church members to serve in tangible ways and create more partnerships with other churches. We also look forward to five different mission trips in 2014. Combine Word with Deed— Discerning this as a priority means Session feels it is important to continue our focus on evangelism, and to use a strength, our many service and mission activities, to more intentionally share the name and message of Jesus Christ. Preschool—Session recognized that the preschool is also an externally focused mission, in that the majority of children and families involved in GBPP are from the community and not members of the church. We want to continue making sure that GBPP is meeting the needs of the community, and will be engaging in processes to evaluate the preschool and improve our footprint in the community. EXTERNALLY FOCUSED 1. Service & Mission—Anyone who is connected with GBPC is well aware of our many service and mission opportunities—55 partnerships all together! We have missions that focus on children and youth, health, food 2014 is the Year of Spiritual Growth In the fall, Session God’s word in January-F X