Participate, Share, and Improve
LHM Voices—2019 Employee Engagement Survey
n November, you will receive an email invitation
to participate in one of our most important
events of the year, the LHM Voices 2019
Employee Engagement Survey. We will ask you
to share your perspectives, opinions, and ideas.
Your feedback will help us to improve upon what’s
working and what’s not. Your opportunity to take
part in the survey begins on December 2 and
runs through December 13.
Your participation in the group-wide,
biannual survey enables us to obtain valuable
feedback and ideas that support our vision to
be the best place in town to work and the best
place in town to do business. The survey takes
approximately 10 minutes and will measure
employee engagement as well as other categories
such as management, communications,
training and development, and recognition and
What’s different than in years past? Full-time
employees will have the opportunity to participate
via computer or a mobile device. Once the results
are available, we will share them with leaders and
employees as soon as possible. Managers will
be asked to complete measurable action plans,
celebrating areas where we are strong, and
addressing areas for improvement.
Once again, we’ve partnered with Qualtrics
to administer the confidential survey. Qualtrics
will not share your individual responses, or any
information that could identify your responses,
with anyone at LHM. Survey results will be
reported to LHM in aggregate and grouped
with similar demographics.
Our mission is to
enrich lives, and that
includes yours and
those around you.
You can trust that your answers will remain
anonymous to management. We believe this
is important so that you will be compelled
to share what you really think. Why isn’t the
survey completely anonymous? Anonymous
surveys don’t collect information about
LHM Winning Spirit September/October 2019
respondents, like what business they work for
or their age, gender, or years with the company.
If we want to compare how new employees
feel versus tenured employees, or if we want
to understand how well we’re recognizing
employees in Idaho versus Arizona, we need a
sense of the demographics. Otherwise, we get a
lot of data that isn’t very useful in the spirit of
continuous improvement.
What can you do to prepare for the survey?
Make sure your contact information is current
in our system. We want as many employees
as possible to take the survey, for the reasons
explained above, and we can best reach you if
your information is accurate.
If you have questions, please talk to
your People & Culture or Human Resources
Our mission is to enrich lives, and that
includes yours and those around you. Please
plan to participate, share, and help us improve
with this year’s LHM Voices. To learn more,
please visit ◆