Who We Are 2019
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from Who We Are at LHMWSM.com
Special 40th Anniversary Presentation
ay 1st marked the 40th anniversary of
the day Larry and Gail Miller became
owners of their very first car dealership. It
also marked the date for the 2019 Who We Are
presentation. Each year, employees from across
the company watch as LHM Group leaders
speak on a variety of subjects in order to clarify
and emphasize the unique company culture
found in every LHM organization.
This year’s focus was on the guiding
principles of the company, following previous
years that looked at the mission, vision, and
values of the company. Speakers included
Steve Miller, Greg Miller, Zane Miller, Karen
Miller-Williams, David Smith, and Gail Miller.
LHM Winning Spirit May/June 2019
Bryan Miller appeared in a special video that
of the company have shaped and guided the
introduced the presentation.
business over the years.
The presentation was followed by a special
Forty years in business is a significant
anniversary luncheon hosted by Gail Miller for
milestone for any organization, but for the Larry
leadership and members of the Miller family. As
H. Miller Group of Companies, it is a time to
part of the overall 40th anniversary celebration,
reflect on our successes and to look forward to the
each employee was
growth and potential
given a special gift: a
that the future will bring.
“Honoring the past would
240-page book that
The Group has done
not be complete without
detailed significant
incredible things in its
honoring our employees,
moments from
first 40 years, but every
company’s history
employee should be
the engine that makes
and how the mission,
incredibly excited about
everything happen.”
vision, values, and
what the next 40 years
guiding principles
and beyond have to offer.
Gail Miller