Team Players
for 40 Years
Jazz Employees Have Been There Since
the Beginning
As part of the WWA
presentation and to
mark the Group’s 40th
anniversary, each
employee received
a copy of History in
the Making.
long with the 40th anniversary of the LHM Group of
Companies, 2019 also marks the 40th anniversary
of the Jazz in Utah. While that is a remarkable story
by itself, it is also remarkable that of the people who were
there when the Jazz moved from New Orleans, some of
them are still hard at work for the Jazz today.
Dan Roberts, public address announcer for Jazz
games, has been the in-arena voice of the team since 1979.
His booming baritone has called more than 1,700 regular
season games, and he has only missed six in his career.
Once or twice during every game, Roberts will encourage
the crowd to make noise by asking, “How ‘bout this Jazz?’ “
A Nevada native who moved to Salt Lake City as a
boy, Roberts attended the University of Utah but did not
graduate, leaving school in order to support his family
with a cabinetry business. His love of sports led him to
a side job in the radio industry, which eventually led to
becoming an unpaid basketball announcer and eventually,
to becoming the offi cial Jazz announcer.
Roberts was joined in his Jazz milestone by three
members of the stats crew. John Allen, Ron Beck, and
Will Arnott have also been working Jazz games for 40
years. Together, they’ve been a part of making each game
memorable and for setting the standard of hard work and
commitment that their coworkers have greatly appreciated
over the years. ◆