Winning Spirit Magazine May-June 2019 | Page 26

Society of Excellence Honoring the Top Automotive Performers for 2018 E ach year, employees who work within each of the LHM dealerships have the chance to be a part of the Society of Excellence. Those who demonstrate outstanding achievements in the fields of fixed operations, finance and insurance, and automotive sales are rewarded 24 LHM Winning Spirit May/June 2019 with a special trip to a unique destination and a banquet in their honor. The 2018 top performers were rewarded with a trip to Washington, D.C. in April 2019, culminating in a banquet held at the Grand Hyatt hotel. This trip was a wonderful chance for LHM employees from multiple dealerships to get to know each other, see the sights of the nation’s capital, and earn a well-deserved vacation. ◆ Additional photos available at