2019 LHM Diversity Scholarship recipients
The Gift of Opportunity
Diversity Scholarship Recipient Looks Forward to New Career
Teresa Alisa Cloward
LHM Charities
Donations for
March and April 2019
Lemon Grove School District
Arthritis Foundation Youth Camp
Meridian Middle School
Utah 1033 Foundation
Camp Hobe
Cottages of Hope
Intermountain Therapy Animals
Nine Mile Canyon Coalition
St. George Children’s Museum
Five for the Fight Foundation
Leavitt Group Charitable Golf Tourney Benefiting JDRF
eresa Alisa Cloward was born in Japan to
was able to quit her jobs and focus entirely
an American father and Japanese mother.
on her studies. As Teresa puts it, “When I
Her family never had much money, so
found out that I won the scholarship, I went
educational opportunities for she and her
and walked around campus and I was amazed
siblings were few and far between. Her mother
at how much was going on that I hadn’t
would provide the children with study guides
been able to see before because I was always
intended to provide lessons for an entire year.
And yet Teresa fi nished each of her volumes
Recently, Teresa fi nished her studies,
in a month, revealing a keen mind and an
graduating with a degree in business
eagerness to learn.
administration. Before graduating, she had
When the time came for college, Teresa
lined up an incredible position with Microsoft ,
managed to save up enough money to come
having been selected for a two-year program
to the United States to attend
that would enable her to
a University. He sister had
continue working for Microsoft
Opening doors
married and moved to Utah, so
as a soft ware engineer. Th is
like this is one
it seemed like a natural place to
opportunity is a dream come
of the primary
fi nd a school. While working
true for Teresa, as Microsoft
to pay her way through school,
was one of the companies she
goals of the
Teresa was briefl y enrolled at
most wished to work for.
LHM Education
Utah Valley University before
Teresa’s gratitude for the
spending a few years at Salt Lake
diversity scholarship is hard
Community College.
to put into words. Having
At these two schools, she was able to
the scholarship has allowed her to graduate
work multiple jobs, making enough money
without debt and focus on her studies, but
to stay out of debt and to provide for herself.
most importantly, it allowed her the time to
Still, she yearned for more and applied to the
fi nd and cultivate the network that has given
University of Utah, where she would be able to
her an opportunity she never would have
have more options but where the tuition was
known about otherwise.
signifi cantly higher.
Opening doors like this is one of
Still persevering, Teresa applied for a
the primary goals of the LHM Diversity
University of Utah Diversity Scholarship
Scholarship as it continues to benefi t students
provided by Gail Miller. When she won, she
every year. ◆