Representatives of Intermountain Therapy Animals met with Bryant Henrie and Prestige Financial employees to receive a donation.
Your “Give Us Five” Donations at Work
A Glance at LHM Charities at Work in March and April
arry H. Miller Charities donates toward
501(c)(3) nonprofit charities that focus on
assisting women and children who live in
the communities where LHM Group companies
are based. Programs that receive funding
address the issues of health and education. More
than $72,000 has been contributed in the past
few months.
In California, a grant to Lemon Grove
School District is providing scholarships so that
students can participate in an outdoor science
school experience. The camp involves students
in hands-on science projects that help them
learn about nature.
An Idaho donation went to Meridian
Middle School, where more than 48 percent of
the students come from low-income families.
Funding is supporting Power to Play, a program
that enables students to participate in sports,
art, band, and other extracurricular activities,
regardless of their ability to pay.
A contribution to the Arthritis Foundation
in Denver, Colorado, is paying for children
and teens who have juvenile arthritis to attend
summer camp. In Spokane, a donation was
pledged to Beats & Rhythms, a camp for
LHM Winning Spirit May/June 2019
children in the Inland Northwest who have
cardiac defects or diseases.
In Utah, teen refugees and immigrants
are benefiting from Larry H. Miller Charities’
support of Youthlinc and its Real Life program.
Participants receive tutoring and learn skills that
help them navigate their new culture. Funding
granted to Intermountain Therapy Animal
provides training for pet partner volunteers
who take their animals to
Primary Children’s Hospital
to promote healing in
patients. A donation to
Cottages of Hope is enabling
families and individuals
to achieve self-sufficiency,
while a contribution to Nine
Mile Canyon Coalition
is providing high school
students the opportunity
to learn archaeology
firsthand. St. George
Children’s Museum received
funding that will allow the
community free access to the
museum on designated days.
Help improve your community by donating
to Larry H. Miller Charities. Even small
donations can make a difference, since each
dollar contributed by employees is matched
by Gail Miller. Your funds will stay in your
community to support charities that help local
women and children. Contact your human
resource or payroll administrator for more
information. ◆
Youthlinc participants were able to experience American
culture with the help of Jazz Bear at a Jazz game.