AZ - Ana Becker, controller for ADR/ACJ/AFI and Heidi Soto, office
manager for ADR/ACJ/AFI, at St. Vincent de Paul Center.
CO - Crystal Robertson (TCS) literally
gave her all at the Day of Service
UT - Employees in Utah County lent hammers and hands to Habitat for Humanity.
UT - LHMSE helpers at Camp Kostopulos: Nicole Jones,
Tiffany Watkins, Whitli Godderidge and Brittani Forbush
UT - We received a big “thanks” from the Boys & Girls Club in Tooele.
NM - CLN Kids gets much-needed help from our green team.
UT - LHMSE’s Justin Zanik, Christi Yates and Dennis
Lindsey give a tree a new home at Fitts Park.
ID - Employees from BCD put their talents to work at the
Boise Urban Garden School.
UT - Camp Kostopulos Dream Foundation received an extreme makeover at the hands of our employees.