Winning Spirit Magazine May-June 2015 | Page 9

UT - Employees packed 1,500 pounds of pasta at the Utah Food Bank. UT - Taking a break from cleaning the equestrian center at Camp K. UT - Tiffany Watkins (LHMSE) preps the posts for staining at Camp K. ID - Who knew that BCD had a staff of master gardeners? A job well done at the Boise Urban Garden School. AZ - Employees from TCJ and TVW cleaned and repaired books at the Reading Seed\Literacy Connects in Tucson. CO - Employees created newborn care packages at Marian House in Colorado Springs. AZ - Employees from the Phoenix area put in their day of service time at the St. Vincent de Paul’s urban farm. UT - Scott Harding (HON) and company at w ܚ