Winning Spirit Magazine May-June 2015 | Page 7

CO - The team from BTO donated their service to the University of Colorado Boulder. UT - Giving the historic buildings at the Hertiage Park a new look. UT - Travis Johnson (UCS) with some of his team helping out in Murray. UT - Erin Bell, Mallory Moon, Mary Oveson, Heather Wybrow, Daphne Lundburg, and Brady Whitehead with Prestige Financial at the Boys & Girls Club in Murray. UT - Greg Miller brought his Bobcat and considerable skills helping to spread bark under the ropes course at Camp Kostopulos Dream Foundation. UT - GM Phil Pecoraro (SFL) is a mean, green mowing machine in Sandy. UT - Work and play for Ku’uleilani Briana Falanai (MEG) at SwitchPoint Community Resource Center. AZ - The LHM green army descended upon the St. Vincent de Paul Community Center. UT - Barbara Tobler (MMC) and Amara Blackburn (MMC) transferring smiles instead of phone calls. ID - The Boise dealerships helped breathe new life into some old bikes at the Boise Bicycle Project.