Fridays when the allowance will be up to 7 hours providing always that where thea ctual hours worked are in excess of the minimum period less breakdown time , the actual hours worked shall be chargeable . Idle time for this purpose shall be treated as actual working time . The minimum week of 39 hours shall be reduced by 8 hours Monday to Thursday and 7 hours Friday for each day ’ s statutory holiday occurring in such week , provided that the plant does not work on the holiday .
22 . “ ALL-IN ” RATES Where “ All-In ” rates are charged by agreement the minimum period shall be as defined in the Contract and in accordance with the hire rates and terms contained therein , subject to the provisions of Clause 26 .
( a ) The hire period shall commence from the time when the plant leaves the Owner ’ s depot or place where last employed and shall continue until the plant is received back at the Owner ’ s named depot or other agreed location but an allowance shall be made of not more than one day ’ s hire charge each way for travelling time . If the plant be used on day of travelling , full hire rates shall be paid for the period of use on that day . If more than one day be properly and unavoidably occupied in transporting the plant , a hire charge at idle time rates shall be payable for such extra time , provided that where plant is hired for a total period of less than one week , the full hire rate shall be paid from the date of despatch to the date of return to the Owner ’ s named depot or other agreed location .
( b ) An allowance of not more than one day ’ s travelling time shall be allowed when the plant is travelling to a site other than that specified in the Contract provided that : ( i ) consent to such transfer has been given by the Owner under
Clause 16 , and , ( ii ) the plant is moved by means other than under its own power , and , ( iii ) the plant shall have been on the site specified in the Contract or on any other site to which consent to transfer has been given under Clause 16 for a period of at least 14 days .
24 . NOTICE OF TERMINATION OF CONTRACT Where the period of hire is indeterminate or having been defined becomes indeterminate the Contract shall be determinable by seven days notice in writing given by either party to the other except in cases where the plant has been lost or damaged . Notwithstanding that the Owner may have agreed to accept less than 7 days notice of termination , the Hirer ’ s obligations under Clause 13 shall continue until the plant is returned to the Owner in accordance with Clause 31 or until the Owner has collected the plant within the 7 days following the acceptance of short notice . Oral notice given by the Hirer to the Owner ’ s driver or operator shall not be deemed to constitute compliance with the provisions of this Clause .
25 . IDLE TIME When the plant is prevented by prolonged inclement weather from working for a complete week , the charge shall be two thirds of the hire rate or such other idle time rate as is stated in the Offer . If the plant works for any time during the guaranteed hire period then the whole of that guaranteed minimum period shall be charged as working time . In any case no period less than one day shall be reckoned as idle time save for as provided for in clause 18 ( e ).
0845 601 5327