( a ) within three months from the commencement of hire , the Owner ( but without prejudice to any of the provisions of Clauses 9 and / or 13 ) shall pay all transport charges involved , or ,
( b ) more than three months from the commencement of hire , the Owner ( but without prejudice to any of the provisions of Clauses 9 and / or 13 ) shall be liable only for the cost of reloading and return transport .
( a ) The Hirer shall render to the Owner for each week an accurate statement of the number of hours the plant has worked each day . Where the plant is accompanied by the Owner ’ s driver or operator , the Hirer shall sign the employee ’ s Time Record Sheets . The signature of the Hirer ’ s representative shall bind the Hirer to accept the hours shown on the Time Record Sheets .
( b ) Full allowance will be made for breakdown periods resulting from mechanical or electrical faults or absence of driver or operator supplied by the Owner except where breakdown is due to acts or omissions of third parties and / or the Hirer ’ s misuse , misdirection or negligence , subject however to the provisions of Clause 8 of this Agreement .
( c ) Breakdown time in respect of such periods shall be allowed for not more than 8 hours Monday to Thursday and not more than 7 hours on Friday less the actual hours worked .
( d ) Plant shall be hired out either : ( i ) for a stated minimum number of hours per day or per week or ,
( ii ) without any qualification as to minimum hours . Odd days at the beginning and at the end of the hire period shall be charged pro rata .
( e ) Stoppages due to changing of tyres and repairs to punctures will be chargeable as working time up to a maximum of 2 hours for any one stoppage and any excess will be charged for at the appropriate idle time rates .
( f ) In the case of plant which requires to be dismantled for the purpose of transportation , if the Owner agrees to a modification of the hire charge for the period required for assembling on site and dismantling upon completion of hire , such modification of the hire charge and the period for which it shall apply shall be stated on the Hire Contract .
19 . PLANT HIRED ON A DAILY BASIS WITHOUT QUALIFICATION AS TO HOURS The full daily rate will be charged on a daily basis irrespective of the hours worked except in the case of breakdown for which the Owner is responsible , when the actual hours worked will be charged pro rata of the average working day . No hire charge shall be made for Saturday and / or Sunday unless the plant is actually worked .
20 . PLANT HIRED BY THE WEEK OR MONTH WITHOUT QUALIFICATION AS TO HOURS The weekly or monthly rate shall be charged irrespective of the number of hours worked , except in the case of breakdown for which the Owner is responsible when an allowance pro rata of the agreed weekly rate or pro rata of the agreed monthly rate will be made for each full working day broken down calculated to the nearest half working day .
21 . PLANT HIRED BY THE WEEK OR THE HOUR FOR A MINIMUM OF 39 HOURS PER WEEK If no breakdown occurs , the full hire for the minimum period in the Contract will be charged and an additional pro rata charge will be made for hours worked in excess of such minimum period . Allowance will be made for breakdowns up to 8 hours except on
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