Where an “ All-In ” rate is charged , idle time is charged on the machine element only . Full rate will be charged for the operator .
26 . WAGES AND OTHER CHARGEABLE ITEMS RELATING TO DRIVERS AND OPERATORS OF PLANT All chargeable items shall be paid by the Hirer at the rates contracted save that any subsequent increases before and / or during the hire period arising from awards under any wage agreements and / or from increases in the employer ’ s statutory contribution shall be charged as additions at cost by the Owner and shall be admitted and paid by the Hirer .
27 . TRAVELLING TIME AND FARES Travelling time and fares for drivers , operators and any person supplied by the Owner , similar expenses incurred at the beginning and end of the hire period and where appropriate return fare of the driver , operator and any person supplied by the Owner to his home will be chargeable at cost . No charge shall be made by the Owner for any such expenses incurred by other employees of the Owner for the purpose of servicing , repair or maintenance of plant , unless necessitated by the Hirer ’ s negligence , misdirection or misuse of the plant .
28 . FUEL , OIL AND GREASE Fuel , oil and grease shall , when supplied by the Owner , be charged at net cost or an agreed estimate of net cost , and when supplied by the Hirer , shall be of a grade or type specified by the Owner .
29 . SHARPENING OF DRILLS / STEELS ETC . The cost of re-sharpening shall be borne by the Hirer .
30 . OWNER ’ S NAME PLATES The Hirer shall not remove , deface or cover up the Owner ’ s name plate or mark on the plant indicating that it is his property .
31 . TRANSPORT The Hirer shall pay the cost of and if required by the Owner , arrange transport of , the plant from the Owner ’ s depot or other agreed location to the site and return to named depot or other agreed location on completion of the hire period .
32 . GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS The Hirer will be responsible for compliance with relevant regulations issued by the Government or Local Authorities , including regulations under the Factories Acts , Health and Safety at Work Act etc and observance of the Road Traffic Acts should they apply , including the cost of Road Fund Licences and any insurances made necessary thereby , save that if and during such time as the plant is travelling , whether for full or part journey from Owner to site and site to Owner under its own power with a driver supplied by the Owner , the Owner and not the Hirer shall be responsible as aforesaid .
( a ) The Hirer shall not re-hire , sell , mortgage , charge , pledge , part with possession of or otherwise deal with the plant except as provided under Clause 15 and shall protect the same against distress , execution or seizure and shall indemnify the Owner against all losses , damage , costs , charges and expenses arising as a direct result of any failure to observe and perform this condition except in the event of Government requisition .
( b ) If the Hirer make default in punctual payment of any sum due to the Owner for hire of plant or other charges or shall fail to observe and perform the terms and conditions of this Contract , or if the Hirer shall suffer any distress or execution to be levied against him or make or propose to make any arrangement with his creditors or becomes insolvent within the meaning of Section 113
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