WIN Annual Reports April 2019 Midyear Report | Page 7

of the last year 2 0 1 9 M I D YE AR RE P O RT 6 350+ PERSON ACTION WITH COUNCIL CHAIRMAN CANDIDATES WIN held a 350+ person action with Chairman Phil Mendelson and Ed Lazere in June 2018. The action served as an opportunity to launch our 2019-2022 agenda and progress politics around Circulator workers. Both candidates committed YES to all asks. In pre- negotiations Mendelson initially questioned multiple of our demands. By 24 hours before the action, he said maybe. At the action, he stood up and committed to all of them. People said it was the clearest he has been on affordable housing during the entire campaign. Around housing, he agreed publically to increase the Housing Production Trust Fund, Preservation Fund, and local voucher program to at least $300 million/year and take steps to increase accountability . He also agreed to push for affordable housing on public land . Around transit, Chairman Mendelson committed to support worker protections for DC Circulator workers and to lead the effort to bring Circulator and Streetcar in house. Around immigration, he agreed to call for $2.5 million for immigrants' legal services funding and to sustain that funding during this immigration crisis. As we celebrate many victories on these efforts, WIN is continuing to work hard to hold our public officials accountable to the promises they make to the community. Photos by David Choy