and have taken the challenge out of
so often I backtrack to do tasks
until I’m a little more equipped.
gaming. Hand-holding you through
missions and giving you massive
Carbine has returned to a more
bonuses to get through any fights
difficult model of play. With minimal
that could be formidable. Games
hand-holding and truly difficult
that have multiplayer and single-
mobs, Wildstar is attempting
player offer little more than a few
to find the balance that some
trying to learn World of Warcraft
hours of easy gameplay, barely
gamers are longing for. If you
nine years in, standing still while
preparing you for the tea-bagging
encounter regular mobs that are
battling was a challenge. I didn’t
you’re going to receive if you dare
too easy, there are always Primes.
even realise that there was a Dodge
played as loosely in multiplayer.
If they’re too easy, there’s PvP.
stat until level twenty of my first
There was nothing worse when
toon: there was the assumption
That brings me to the
Being a player that levels in
that everyone knew, so it was
first of the top 6 reasons of:
higher zones, I’ve found few games
never explained in the beginner
‘Why I love Wildstar’:
that have offered the difficulty of
guides. Guild Wars 2, another
this one -- to the point that I die
NCSoft title, used dodging with a
WildStar Community Magazine
The GameOn Magazine // 49