about 270 people here so getting
of been messing with each other.
GameOn: Can you talk
all those people thinking towards
I don’t know if you guys have seen
us through an average day
the same direction, and then
our Vines, we do a lot of stuff where
in your working week?
working on something so that they
we mess around and kind of do that
understand what WildStar is and
stuff just that we’re not like, “Hey,
talking with lots of teams. We do
what we are trying to accomplish
we’ve worked a 12 hour day let’s just
daily stand ups. I’m kind of boring
with the game, is very difficult.
get in front of a computer and work
compared to the average designer
So I am happy that the majority of
on it.” You just slowly get driven
who gets to come up with fun ideas
the people here understand the
insane. Random Story, not office
and things like that. I just make
direction that WildStar is going and
related: We went to Pax Prime and
sure that people are on task and
whether it’s design or whether it’s
gamescom in 2011. I was sharing a
doing the things that they need to
art, everybody here gets it. So co-
room with some people and I was
do. Sometimes people will just drift
ordinating all those things and then
so exhausted from the travelling
off and go “Wow, I want to work on
getting them done in a reasonable
back and forth and the jet lag and
this” and I’m like “What are you
amount of time is a very difficult
all that stuff. One of the guys I was
doing? We need to get this thing
task, but we did it - so that’s good.
in a room with was snoring and I
done,” so hurting people is a big
was not awake, and I just yelled at
thing for me. So it is daily stand ups
him in my sleep and I didn’t even
and talking with folks to make sure
270 plus people in the office. I
know it. It was kind of weird and
that there aren’t any issues, and if
can imagine that not only being
so the next day he was like, “Did
there are issues they are brought
a challenge to manage them
you yell at me in your sleep?” and I
up to the right people. We have to
but also control them in certain
was like, “I don’t remember, what
make sure the creative direction is
aspects. In the offices I have
you are talking about,” and he was
in a way that we should all be going.
worked in, there have been quite
like, “No - you did,” and I started to
Sometimes people are like “I want
a lot of office pranks going on,
remember. So we have tons of weird
to add this really, really dark sort of
and I was wondering if there was
experiences over the years trying
angle on something” and we are,
anything like that in your offices?
to work together, whether that’s in
“Wow - that is a little too brutal man,
the office or travelling out on the
let’s tone it down a little bit” or vice
you kind of go insane if you don’t
road. There’s been a lot of beers,
versa. There’s a lot of talking with
mess around with people a little bit.
a lot of hungover people at events
people in general, going to other
There are a lot of Nerf Darts that
but usually they are a lot more fun
teams if maybe there is a prop that
usually kind of hit me in the face
when you’re hungover and you’ve
somebody needs on the design
and/or other people and there’s
got some nachos the next day.
team to complete the quest. I have
GameOn: You mentioned the
Stephan: I would say so. I think
a ton of times when we have kind
WildStar Community Magazine
Stephan: Mine personally is
to go and talk to those people and
The GameOn Magazine // 21