The Gnan of the Tirthankars is Kramic Gnan, (i.e. The
Realization is achieved gradually, one laborious step at a time).
One goes higher with each step he takes. As one’s parigrah
(feelings of, “This is mine.”) diminishes, he progresses further
spiritually, towards moksha. This may take innumerable lifetimes.
But this is Akram Vignan. There is no need to climb the
steps. One simply has to get on the elevator and go to the
twelfth floor. Such is the beauty of this Akram path. One only
needs to find this ‘elevator’ and his salvation will be at hand. I
am simply a nimit (instrumental) in showing you this path or
pointing you in the right direction. Anyone that boards the elevator
will have all the answers. Surely one must find the answers.
After entering this elevator, how does one know that he is going
towards moksha? Your assurance is that your anger, lust, greed,
and pride (krodh-maan-maaya-lobh) will go away. The internal
suffering will go away. There will not be anymore artadhyan
(adverse meditation that affects the relative self) or raudradhyan
(adverse meditation causing harm to others). This will be your
confirmation. Then this task is completed, is it not?
Questioner : Is the Kramic path not the main path? The
Akram Marg is fairly new is it not?
Dadashri : Yes, the Kramic marg is the main path, but
it is grueling and it involves much penance, renunciation, etc. A
lot of suffering is involved in reaching your goal or destination.
One’s progress is dependent upon the extent of his penance.
The Kramic marg is full of penance.
Questioner : Without enduring suffering and hardship,
one cannot progress in the Kramic marg, right?
Dadashri : Yes, the Kramic marg is full of internal and
external suffering until the very end. It is like purifying gold. You