accomplishment. Why does all this happen? He still keeps on
stumbling. Even as he continues to stumble, he continues to say,
“I am something.” He has undertaken many spiritual practices,
but he has not attained the realization of his Real Self.
Your astitva (your existence) is present. There is no doubt
about this fact. You do not have the knowledge of vastutva
(the knowledge of your real identity), but you do have the
knowledge that you exist. When the Gnani Purush washes
away your sins, you will have the knowledge of vastutva (Self-
Realization). Once you attain Self-Realization, you will
automatically progress towards purnatva, the state of total Self-
Realized. Then you do not have to do anything and you will be
independent. The only difference will be the direction of your
‘vision.’ At this moment, all of you are looking in one direction,
and I am looking in the other direction. All I do is change the
direction of your ‘vision’ (drashtipher). This is the task of a
Gnani Purush. Without Divine Grace, it is not possible.
It is because of Akram Vignan that you are able to
achieve this samkit state (Realization of the Self) in such a short
time. In these times, it is impossible to achieve this state of
samkit through the traditional Kramic path. Akram Vignan is
the Science, which draws an exact line of demarcation between
that which is yours and that which is not yours; the Real and the
relative. It clearly defines their properties and characteristics.
The result of this exact demarcation is immediate and experiential.
In the Kramic marg (traditional step by step path), this line of
demarcation is not clearly defined and therefore, it is very difficult
to reach the goal. Once this distinction is made, the Real will
never be relative, and the relative will never become real. Unless
they are separated, they cannot stay within their own nature.