I show you this path, but also I will give you your ‘Atma’
(Soul) in your hands.
Questioner : Then the purpose of my human birth is
fulfilled. What more can I ask for?
Dadashri : Yes, completely fulfilled. That which you
cannot find through efforts of countless lifetimes, I will give you
in just one hour. Then you will feel that you have achieved your
goal as a human being. Otherwise you cannot achieve this even
after effort of a thousand lifetimes.
Questioner : Many different ways to attain Self-
Realization have been described in the Vedic scriptures. One
must achieve Vivek (conduct), vairagya (renunciation/ loss of
interest in worldly things) and mumukshata (intense desire to
know one’s true Self), all of which require time and effort. How
is it possible then, to receive this Gnan in such a short time?
Dadashri : It does not take time to receive Gnan. It is
like turning on a flashlight in pitch darkness. The light will appear
instantly. Likewise, it takes no time at all for a Gnani Purush
to dispel ignorance with the light of Knowledge (Gnan). After
this you will not stumble.
Questioner : Should one be spiritually elevated to receive
Dadashri : Man has reached this spiritual level many,
many times in previous lives. Due to his ignorance about his
Real Self, he has been led astray by his ego. As he progresses
to a higher spiritual level, his ego becomes heavier. He practices
vairaagya and vivek. However it has only served to enhance
his feelings of superiority, through this sense of spiritual