Who Am I? Who Am I? | Page 49

40 WHO AM I ? cannot do it without the heat of the fire (suffering). Questioner : Are there any rules in Akram, as there are in the Kramic path? Dadashri : No, wherever there is a rule, it is considered to be relative. For example, the rule of sitting in a certain position or posture is relative. In Akram, there are no rules. Alas, even tho ugh such an easy path to liberation exists, very few seekers take advantage of it. Questioner : They refuse to accept that it is possible to achieve moksha without any effort. Dadashri : Yes. They ask, “How is it possible to achieve something without working for it?” If I ask you to do something, how will you be able to do it when you yourself are bound by anger, lust, greed, pride, raag (attachment) and dwesh (abhorrence)? You are the prisoner of your bondage. How will you get rid of your bondage? Nowadays, nobody has the power to do penance. I am here to give you this new and simple Akram path. I am not only giving you this Akram path, but I am also simplifying the traditional Kramic marg in such a way that heavy penance would not be necessary. Questioner : Will the Kramic path also become simple? Dadashri : Yes, we will also simplify the Kramic path. The Akram path is open and available for a limited period of time. This path is very unique. It comes directly from Divine Grace. So many people were directly blessed during the time of the Tirthankars. In those times, when Divine Grace was bestowed upon a person, he or she would set out on the path of their divine calling, whereas nowadays, if such an event were to befall upon someone, that person would make excuses not to go. But this path to liberation is the Akram path, where it is possible to achieve liberation even while fulfilling your worldly