What's going on Downtown North Bay Vol.1 October 2013 | Page 11
Frames made from kiln-dried hardwood double doweled,
glued, screwed and corner-blocked. Finished with a 10-step
procedure, hand wiped and 2 coats of lacquer. Sprung with
no-less than 8 gauge fatigue-tested No-Sag springs. Decks are
upholstered with white bonded sisal pads and two layers of
felt padding. Sofas have 17 springs, 12 in love seats, and 5 in
chairs. Back support springs are 11 gauge springs, insulated
with Typar lining.
All furniture is hand crafted by highly trained professionals.
That’s quality furniture. All goods reasons to really shop
around and look into what you’re investing your money into.
Buying a sofa made in Canada keeps the dollars in the country
we live in, it also keeps you assured that you didn’t settle for
second best or lower quality. If you don’t understand any of
that, simply-put: “best of the best furniture”.
Don’t sacrifice quality for price.
Put your dollars where they matter; in our country!
DO NOT THROW AWAY! Do the right thing: recycle & show a friend!