What's going on Downtown North Bay Vol.1 October 2013 | Page 10

Invest In Quality. When you grew up with your parents you probably remember sitting on that old, dated floral couch that you just wished would break, so something new could take its place, but no matter how hard you jumped up and down, or how much liquid was spilled on it, the couch just didn’t give up. Hey, even years later when they finally decided to replace it, the couch was still strong, and sturdy. Ever wonder why? Furniture manufactured decades ago was built to last. Furniture was usually built either in the U.S.A. or Canada, and manufacturers took pride in their work making it as strong and sturdy to last through the years, however, this cost companies money. A lot of manufacturers though the years found the production costs climbing higher with the inflation, so they tried to make their company more profitable by sacrificing quality parts for that of lower quality, and this worked for some companies; but other companies simply could not adapt and went out of business. . Companies went from using solid hardwood frames, to frames composed of mainly particle board and press board. Putting back support and bottom support springs further away, and lessening the amount of springs they used. This made for furniture that didn’t last a fraction of what it did before. All of which you wouldn’t notice the difference shopping around. The only difference you might notice would be the price. Many companies overseas focus on keeping their productions costs as low as they can to offer substantially cheaper prices to their dealers, and keep their profits higher. However, there are still many manufacturers in Canada that still take pride in their products. Future Fine Furniture is manufactured in Weston, ON, and they are a “bench” manufacturer. This means all of their products are made on a work bench, rather than a production line. They work on each piece individually, and offer high quality products that stand the test of time.