Whateva Magazine Issue 1 May/June 2017 | Page 15

Hairstylist Nam Vo, “spritzes damp hair with a salt water mixture and twisting into two large buns” (think like Princess Leia from Star Wars) before bed. In the morning, take out the buns and enjoy your beautiful loose waves! If you want straight hair, use a home- made hair mask! Madison Reed suggests “mix one cup of milk with one tablespoon of honey, and apply all over your hair”. Once you’ve let it sit for an hour, rinse it off, air-dry half your hair and use the cool setting of your hairdryer to dry the rest. The mixture makes your hair smoother, and easier to dry and remain straight. Like Ella Victoria, there are loads of tutorials on YouTube to teach you how to get perfect heat-free hair. One of the tutorials by popular American lifestyle vlogger ‘ItzAshley’ teaches you how to curl your hair using a sock! Or if you want to remain simple, just let your hair air-dry naturally once you’ve washed it. I decided to go heat-free for a week, and see the difference it made on my hair. I knew it wasn’t going to be easy, but hopefully it would be worth it. My hair is naturally thick and slightly wavy. Some days it can look okay, other days has me reaching for the straighteners faster than you can say ‘heat-free’. I do prefer having my hair straight rather than wavy. When I try curling it, the curls fall out pretty quickly because of my hair type. Healthy Hair Tips Go to the hairdressers for a trim to get rid of the split ends. Get a good heat protector! Limit your use of heat – Give your hair a break one or two days a week and your hair will thank you for it. Turn the temperature down to a lower setting when using heat. The art of sacrifice In light of our editor giving up heat-styling for a week, the other members of the Whateva team each gave something up as well. Here are our experiences: I have decided to give up my beloved Netflix. It’s only been for a week, and let me tell you it was not as bad as I thought. Yes, I’ll admit I slipped up once when I put on a programme to watch whilst getting ready, but overall it gave me time to get back to reading every night before bed, which I haven’t done in over a year! And, I loved it. I slept better, I got stuck into my favourite books and even started a new one. It’s not something I’d do every week, but a little Netflix detox and cleanse every now and then is definitely something I’ll carry on doing! Overall, the week went pretty well, but it could have been better. It’s probably because my hair bad- ly needs cutting, but it does feel smoother and healthier which is a good sign! I will be trying to go heat- free again, particularly in the sum- mer when I am on holiday to save time. Finally, and most importantly, learn to give your hair a break sometimes and embrace your natural hair. Remember, you can be whateva you want to be! Whateva - Issue 1 15