Whateva Magazine Issue 1 May/June 2017 | Page 14

Frazzle-Free Hair

Cool ! Heat-Free Hair

Is your hair damagaed from all the heat you use on it – hairdryers , straighteners , curlers etc . yet you keep on using them ? Yep , me too .

Australian beauty vlogger Ella Victoria . She has a video on her channel called ‘ No heat , Boho inspired hair styles for school ’, which include plaits in different styles .
Since summer is just around the corner , it ’ s time to step away from the heat and try out the new trend on the block – heat-free hair .

“ step away from the heat and tryout the new trend – heat free hair

‘ Heat-free hair ’ is a term which is used a lot nowadays . People have realised how much styling tools are damaging their hair and want to style their hair without harming it . Even teenage beauty vloggers are hopping on the trend .
14 Whateva - Issue 1
If you must use heat , protecting your hair before heat styling is so important . If you ’ re worried about not being able to style your hair without heat , have no fear ! There are little tricks and tips to style your hair without heat , as well as YouTube tutorials . According to Birchbox . com , styling your hair while you sleep is a great way to get wavy hair overnight , particularly if you have naturally straight hair .