Whateva Magazine Issue 1 May/June 2017 | Page 16

Not Just Needles

Ashleigh , aged 14 , tells all about her diagnosis with diabetes and how it affects her daily routine .
I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes last August , when I was still 13 . I had heard of diabetes before but I didn ’ t know how it could affect someone ’ s everyday life .
We had just got back from a two week holiday in Spain and I felt fine . We were having a few days at home before going to visit family in Cornwall . Looking back at it now I started having symptoms then : I was feeling very thirsty , drinking a lot and going to the toilet more than usual . During the week we were [ in Cornwall ] I also became very tired , falling asleep instead of having fun at the beach . I had also lost weight without realising it . I don ’ t really remember coming home as I slept the whole way and felt worse .

I didn ’ t know how it could affect someone ’ s everyday life .

The next day Mum took me to the doctor ’ s and by this time I needed her support just to help me into the room . Mum told her my symptoms and she immediately tested my blood sugar levels and sent us straight to the hospital . On arrival we were told that I had Type 1 Diabetes which was a huge shock .
Even though I have diabetes it ’ s not going to stop me being the person I ’ m meant to be !
I spent 5 days in hospital while my blood sugar levels were brought under control . During this time myself and my whole family were taught everything we needed to know and how to manage it .

I spent 5 days in hospital while my blood sugar levels were brought under control .

My life since has changed completely , I have to inject myself [ with insulin ] before eating or drinking anything that contains carbohydrates and test my blood on average 8 times a day and , if I need to , correct my hypers ( when my levels are high ) and hypos ( when my levels are too low ) with extra sugar .
I still dance two nights a week as before but now I have to have extra sugar and 2am checks . Sometimes , I get frustrated and upset but I have all the support I need ; family , friends and the diabetic team at the hospital to help me get through the tough times .

Know what to look for .

These are some signs that you or someone you love might be diabetic .

Type 1

Diabetes the big 3 symptoms constant thirst frequent urination

However , I am still the same person , if anything more determined to not let anything get in my way . Even though I have diabetes it ’ s not going to stop me being the person I ’ m meant to be !
16 Whateva - Issue 1
Rapid weight loss experiencing these symptoms ? see a doctor