Although, there was one day that particularly changed everything.
"I have a new game, Francis. Want to play?" he asked as he came through the window, and I shook my head.
"Sorry, I have to study today," I replied and turned back to my heavy textbook. Fester grew silent.
He then walked over to me and sat down on my floor. "Come on, just one game! Here, it's simple!" he exclaimed, taking me by the arm and leading me to the window despite my protests. "All you have to do is jump out. There is a trampoline at the bottom and you'll bounce right back up!" he said with a glint in his pure black eyes. I sighed and shook Fester off, slightly irritated.
"I'm sorry, but I can't. Maybe tomorrow," I said.
The next few days, Fester kept pressuring me to play his 'game'. Each day I felt myself hanging out at my new friend's house so that I could stop seeing Fester. For some reason, I really didn't want to jump. Especially when he kept repeating himself about the trampoline and how it would be fun. One day, I got home late from a sleepover at my friend's house. It was already about 9 PM and Fester would've gone