What The Thunder Said, Vol 4 | Page 22

hours she would come into my room bringing crackers, ginger ale, and books for me to read. One day I heard a knock on my window as I barely gazed into an old picture book, not feeling like reading.

Knock. Knock.

I turned around and saw Fester right outside my window. I walked over and opened the window, and he climbed inside. "Do you want to play a game?" he asked, which surprised me. "A game?" I asked, and he nodded. Over the next several days, I let Fester into my room and we would play all sorts of games like hide and seek, checkers, and sometimes he would even read me books. This continued on even after I had completely recovered.

"Want some goldfish, sweetheart?" my mom asked as she came in the room during one of Fester's visits.

I quickly ran up to her and grabbed the small package. "Thanks, Mom," I said quickly and she left. I looked around, but Fester was missing. "Under here," came his echo of a voice, and my eyes trailed over to my bed. I knelt down and looked under it, finding Fester smiling at me. Whenever Mom or Dad came into the room, Fester would always take cover under my bed.