What The Thunder Said, Vol 4 | Page 24

back home about then so I decided to sleep. I crawled into my warm covers and closed my eyes.

"Pssst. Francis," a small voiced echoed. My eyes shot open. My body went rigid and still.

I watched as Fester crawled out from under my bed and stood, towering above me. "Come on, let's play that game already!" he said with a wide smile. I've seen him smile many, many times before, but I felt that this peculiar smile...was way too wide. I closed my eyes, imagining that Fester would just disappear, and clutched tightly to my blanket. "Hey. Hey, Francis, wake up," he poked and prodded my stiff body as I tried to remain perfectly still. Abruptly, the door opened.

"You forgot your backpack, Francis," Mom's sweet voice drifted.

I sat up straight and looked around briefly. Seeing Fester gone, I asked if I could sleep in my parents’ room since it was the last night we were ever going to be in this house. I didn't want to tell Fester this because I was afraid. I was afraid if he knew, he would throw me out of the window himself.

In the morning, I got dressed and got into the car quickly. Out of the corner of my eye I could